Saturday, March 13, 2010

36 Weeks!

Woo hoo! We've made it to the milestone of 36 weeks. Every day at this point is a bonus, allowing our little girl to gain a little extra weight and develop more. Yesterday I worked my last day for 4-5 months, depending on when she is born. Time to watch Oprah and eat bon-bons.

Ha! If you know me, you know that is unlikely. I am hoping to get a few things done, rest up, and prepare ourselves (mentally and otherwise) for the arrival of our little girl.

Here is a pic of Addison and Kai sharing a little dinner.
Katie, Addison, and Katie's friend Jen are here this weekend and so are a few of Esther's family members, so we're staying busy and enjoying having the abundance around. Looks like the next month or so will be very similar with lots of visitors coming and going. Can't wait!

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